FAQ: Can Hair Fall Out After A Texturizer aka Anti-Curl Keratin Treatment?

My 12 year old niece just had a texturizer (anti-curl) put in. I was told that this was not as harsh on the hair as a relaxer. He hair was very curly. It loosened the curl and made it easier to straighten. We have been noticing that she is loosing more hair than normal. Is there something I can do to help or stop it? Is is caused from the texturizer?

You are probably talking about a keratin hair treatment - which is a :removal" of a curl without "harsh chemicals" (so they say). However, even if professionals tell you that the chemical is not so harsh, it still may cause many health and visual problems.

I have done an extensive research about keratin treatments and I hate to break it to you, but personally I would not recommend these products to anyone, let alone to a 12 year old girl. That said, I think you are probably right that hair falling was caused by this treatment. Hair can fall out after a keratin treatment (or an anti-curl texturizer as you call it) if not applied correctly or if hair is too fragile and cannot handle chemical processes. These products can cause upper respiratory problems and even can be a source of a cancer.

You probably cannot do much about hair falling, because it may be breaking off. But you can buy a good quality hair conditioner and do treatments. Go to your local hair salon (or even beauty supply store) and ask them what kind of products they sell for hair that is breaking due to a chemical treatment. There are a lot of products on the market that strengthen hair after chemical processes although I am not sure how much will penetrate, since keratin hair treatments are a hair coating products - they do not penetrate hair, they just get "deposited" on the hair shaft.

BTW - make sure that you change your nieces pillow case often. The hair has been coated with the solution and sealed with a heat, which will be slowly rubbing off - and you do not want her to breath it.


This post should be taken as a first step for a discussion with your hairdresser and/or colorist about your ideas, desires or problems with your hair. Under no circumstances, you should act upon this post ONLY. I strongly advice you to have your hair done by a skilled and reputable hairdresser/colorist in your area.


  1. Whether there will be Hair starightening products or hair curling products all will contain some kind of less or more chemicals sometimes these chemicals will damage the hair if hair cant be maintained or use proper conditioning for them.

    how to reduce hair fall

  2. @howtoreducehairfall - yes I agree, but chemically the keratin treatments are far more dangerous then "old school". Even the so called "non dangerous" ones.

    But what worries me more is the health of parties involved in these procedures. Not the damage to the hair as much - that can grow back.

    I have done an extensive research and read about chemical behavior of these products while the stylists are working (and after the clients goes home) and it amazes me, how little stylists know about health issues. I think that in a few years we will see many stylist very sick due to using these products.


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