FAQ: How To Wash Hair Color Out?

I color my hair at home. After my hair is processed I step into my shower and wash it all out. But, my shower gets very messy, which I hate. Is there any other way to wash my hair without making such a mess?

I think that if you install a detachable shower head with a hose (such as the one in the image on your left) it will be a lot less messy event. As soon as your color is processed, you can step into the shower, adjust the temperature of your running water, take the handheld shower-head from the holder, squat down in your tub (make yourself comfortable), bend your head down, rinse the color off your scalp and hair, then stand up, put the handheld shower-head back onto the holder and shampoo and conditioner your hair the way you usually do it. This way you will end up with a lot less mess in your shower. There are many similar shower-heads (with a hose) in different stores such as "Home Depot" or "Lowes" or any local hardware store. And they are easy to install.

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